What’s New? January Updates

What’s new this month in the Uizard editor? From a few bug fixes, and minor improvements, to updates to help you ideate and iterate faster than before, let us run through what’s new in January.
Image editor improvements
The team at Uizard have simplified the way you can edit your images in the editor. You can now freely resize both the crop area, and the whole image. Previously, users could only resize the whole image, and we realized that this limited image editing precision. So this update gives you more cropping and resizing capabilities. You can even switch between cropping and resizing using the inline toolbar for pinpoint accuracy when editing an image.

Copy direct screen link
You can now copy a direct link to a screen, which when used, will open the Uizard editor at the desired screen. To do so, select a screen and use the three dots option to open the toolbar, where you will find the ‘Copy direct link’ option. Automatically, the link will be copied and you can then send it to team members or clients for feedback.

Seamless seat addition
Previously, only owners had the capability to add more users to an organization. Now, admins, including viewers and creators, as well as creator members, can add extra users. And you no longer need to go through Stripe to add seats. The seat increase will occur automatically after confirmation, and an email about the pricing update will be sent to the owner of your organization.
AI improvements
Numerous small changes to the features on our platform have been well under way in the past few weeks. Notably, improved speed and performance on the Text Assistant, and updates to Autodesigner including faster generations, and improved screen styling. There are also various other bug fixes and improvements to make your experience in the editor even better.
The Uizard team is constantly working to improve your ideating, iterating and designing experience. So, if you’re not already, sign up to a Free or Pro plan today.
Related reading:
If you missed our last round of updates, why not take a look at our December updates blog below?

If you haven’t already, sign up to Uizard today and get started with a design project. Whether you want to use a premade UI template, or start from scratch, you can do it all in the Uizard platform. Check out the Uizard blog for more articles like this one.